JE1TNL Kaz's Homepage

JE1TNL is the amateur radio station located in Oiso-machi, Kanagawa Japan.

Now Active in 2m Moonbounce and LEO Satellite Operation!

[TOP] [About JE1TNL] [EME Page] [Satellite Page]

2m DXCC : Issued Date : Nov. 10, 2011: #81 < QSO LIST > ( 100 entities on standings )
2m VUCC : Issued Date : Nov. 2, 2012 : #723 ( 401 grids on standings )

JE1TNL shackJE1TNL 4XP28JE1TNL MoonbounceJE1TNL Amplifier

E-mail: CALLSIGN ATMARK jarl DOT com (Change CALLSIGN to 'je1tnl', ATMARK to '@' , and DOT to '.')

Copyright (C) 2009 K. Higashino All rights reserved.